Doll: Two Dolls with Bisque Faces and Hands, Cloth Bodies

Dolls: Two Dolls with Bisque Faces and Hands, Cloth Bodies

Brown-eyed Doll with Bisque Face and Hands, Cloth Body (Stripes)

Brown-eyed Doll with Bisque Face and Hands, Cloth Body (Stripes)

Brown-eyed Doll with Bisque Face and Hands, Cloth Body (Stripes) (reverse)

Brown-eyed Doll with Bisque Face and Hands, Cloth Body (Stripes) (reverse)

Brown-eyed Doll with Bisque Face and Hands, Cloth Body (Stripes) (reverse)

Blue-eyed Doll with Bisque Face and Hands, Cloth Body (Flowers)

Blue-eyed Doll with Bisque Face and Hands, Cloth Body (Flowers)

Blue-eyed Doll with Bisque Face and Hands, Cloth Body (Flowers)

Blue-eyed Doll with Bisque Face and Hands, Cloth Body (Flowers) (reverse)

Blue-eyed Doll with Bisque Face and Hands, Cloth Body (Flowers) (reverse)

Doll: Two Dolls with Bisque Faces and Hands, Cloth Bodies

The Brown-eyed Doll in the Striped Outfit is Unmarked.

The Blue-eyed Doll in the Flowered Outfit is Marked “Newborn Charla.” I can’t make out the other markings.


Brown-eyed Doll:

3.84 ounces

107.5 grams

8 inches tall


Blue-eyed Doll:

4.23 ounces

120 grams

7.75 inches tall


Goodwill Bin

Sioux City, IA


Circa 2015-2016


Dolls: Two Dolls with Bisque Faces and Hands, Cloth Bodies 


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