Marble Sculpture: “Icarus” (Dragan Poposki-Dada)

Marble Sculpture: “Icarus” (Dragan Poposki-Dada)

Marble Sculpture: “Icarus” (Dragan Poposki-Dada) (back view)

Marble Sculpture: “Icarus” (Dragan Poposki-Dada) (side view)

Marble Sculpture: “Icarus” (Dragan Poposki-Dada) (side view)

Marble Sculpture: “Icarus”

Dragan Poposki-Dada(1933- 2021)

North Macedonian Sculptor

Description of Sculpture: As Icarus’ wax wings melt, he falls to earth. 


14 pounds/ 3 ounces

6,486 grams


Seller: Dragan Poposki-Dada

Skopje, North Macedonia (At the time of sculpture acquisition, North Macedonia was part of then-Yugoslavia)


Fall 1988



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