Wood: Natural Wood Sculpture, but is it Art?

Wood: Natural Wood Sculpture, but is it Art?

Wood: Natural Wood Sculpture, but is it Art?

Wood: Natural Wood Sculpture, but is it Art?

Wood: Natural Wood Sculpture, but is it Art?

Wood: Natural Wood Sculpture, but is it Art?

Wood: Natural Wood Sculpture, but is it Art?

Wood: Natural Wood Sculpture, but is it Art?

Wood: Natural Wood Sculpture, but is It Art?

Artists: Met-Ed Arborists

Note: Found in the yard while webmaster was raking leaves.

Met-Ed, the electric company, in order to trim tree limbs away from its electric lines, enjoys right-of-way on this property. This “sculpture,” a product of this right-of-way, was obviously unintended by the Met-Ed Arborists, so should it be considered art if the piece was originally discarded as garbage?

If a famous artist attached his, her, or their name to the sculpture and displayed it in a famous art gallery, would that affect its desirability and monetary value?

What IS art, anyway?

Burning question…

Although Met-Ed is supposed to pick up and carry away tree limbs, we think our sculpture is pretty awesome, so we forgive them.


4 pounds/ 6.5 ounces

1,998 grams


Self-collected from private property

York, PA


10 November 2023



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