Concrete: Piece of the Berlin Wall

Concrete: Piece of the Berlin Wall (with graffiti)

Concrete: Piece of the Berlin Wall (Reverse)

Concrete: Piece of the Berlin Wall

With graffiti


4.2 ounces

120 grams


I was gifted this unremarkable looking piece of concrete by Barbara, a friend. She knows I love rocks, so she thought of me and decided that I was the right person for it. I was truly touched by her generosity because I love rocks, even the common man-made conglomerates, especially when it’s offered by a lovely person like Barbara.

This piece of the Berlin Wall, the painted part being part of graffiti art, was acquired by Barbara’s late husband, when he was in Germany in 1989. He brought back several pieces of the Wall for her and their kids. The kid’s pieces have been lost for years, I suppose in their myriad moves, but she held onto this piece. She decided that it was time to let it go and pass it on to someone who would appreciate it.

I need to think about how I will pass it on and who will appreciate it as much as I do. It’s not a large piece.

Other than Barbara’s late husband’s say so, there is no official provenance, but I’m choosing to believe that this, indeed, is part of the Wall. I’m not worried about monetary value at all because the Wall was so expansive that even if I had “official” proof, its value would mostly be historical anyway. For me, the value is the offering of an artifact by someone who thought enough of me to offer this special gift, something that was obviously special to her.


York, Pennsylvania

12 September 2023



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