Labradorite: Brown Labradorite Sphere

Labradorite: Brown Labradorite Sphere

Labradorite: Brown Labradorite Sphere

Labradorite: Brown Labradorite Sphere

Labradorite: Brown Labradorite Sphere

Likely from Madagascar


1 pound/ 13 ounces

815 grams


Note: The seller noted that this sphere has been created from a low-grade material – typical ornamental Labradorite is blue or green (although a rare purple/ pink material exits), so this brown sphere is considered to be low quality – which is why he was willing to let it go for an inexpensive price.

But I think it’s lovely. It could be mistaken for a rich smoky quartz with its deep brown and reddish overtones. Also, it exhibits a slight cat’s eye chatoyancy and rainbow inclusions and a few clear windows.

One person’s low quality is another person’s delight.


Seller: Gregory Pappas

Gem, Mineral, Jewelry & Fossil Show

The Howard County Fairgrounds

West Friendship, MD


24 September 2022


Labradorite: Brown Labradorite Sphere


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