Jasper: Maligano Jasper Cabochon, Oblong Shape (White Area)

Jasper: Maligano Jasper Cabochon, Oblong Shape (White Area)

Jasper: Maligano Jasper Cabochon, Oblong Shape (White Area)

Jasper: Maligano Jasper Cabochon, Oblong Shape

White area


1.27 ounces

35.5 grams


Note: This design is all natural, not painted.

The seller noted that he has had this material for about 30 years; therefore, he marked this down for this show. Who knows? No matter, it’s an awesome piece.

This cabochon is more colorful than is depicted in the photos.


Seller: Gregory Pappas

Gem, Mineral, Jewelry & Fossil Show

The Howard County Fairgrounds

West Friendship, MD


24 September 2022


Jasper: Maligano Jasper Cabochon, Oblong Shape (White Area)


About the items pictured on this site...

Unless otherwise specified, the rocks, minerals, specimens, jewelry, and gems on this site are NOT for sale.

For information only.

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