Art Glass: 2 Art Glass Lamp Shades, Macedonian Flag Motif

Art Glass Lamp Shades, Macedonian Flag Motif (Lamp 1)

Art Glass Lamp Shades, Macedonian Flag Motif (Lamp 1)

Art Glass Lamp Shades, Macedonian Flag Motif (Lamp 2)

Art Glass Lamp Shades, Macedonian Flag Motif (Lamp 1)

Art Glass Lamp Shades, Macedonian Flag Motif (Lamp 2)

2 Art Glass Lamp Shades, Macedonian Flag Motif


Lamp 1: Acquired 2004

Lamp 2: Acquired 2009


NOTE: In 2004, when I was living in Macedonia, I was attracted to the design of the Macedonian flag, with its sun burst and bright orange and yellows. One day, I was talking with Mimi, an artisan and owner of Vitrum, a Skopje (North Macedonia) art glass shop, about how much I loved the flag and how proud Macedonians seemed to be of it.

Then I blurted out, “If you created something incorporating the flag, I would totally buy it – ” pointing to a blue lamp shade in the corner of the shop – “Like that lamp shade.”

And the idea for such a lamp shade took hold, and Mimi designed and created lamp shade #1.

I really wanted a pair, but I couldn’t figure out how to pack two glass lamp shades in my carry-on luggage, so I had to let the idea go.

When I returned for another year in 2009, I was able to acquire lamp shade #2.

I don’t know which lamp is the earliest, so I assume the one next to my bed is the first lamp acquired.

Of all the trinkets I have collected over the years, these lamp shades are useful and not just another pretty thing taking up space.

North Macedonian Flag


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